Florals. Turquoise. Love.

Hello Readers!
How have you all been? (now, honestly that feels like I am introducing you after a long time)

A small update, I am on twitter (finally) & its so much fun. If you don't have a twitter account then do get one and although I did connect it to my blog's account, but I use it as @gargi22_9, and its open for my blog followers as well as my friends! So if you know me, come say HI!

What else? I am enjoying making videos. One thing I just realized I am too comfortable on camera (just being modest). I always thought I would hate myself on screen, cause lets be honest we all look like some wicked pandas, with fats hugging at all the wrong places. But no,I actually look like me, the camera gods are really trying to make an effort. (must be the camera gods, only)I see a strong faithful relationship coming my way.

Now onto the outfit post,
This blazer is acting like a wind-cheater during rains. Its made of those thick non-woolen fabrics which does not absorb water, so in-short its a perfect rain wear. And the beaded necklace is one of the jewelry made by me!
And, ohh yeah I am currently determined to buy jelly shoes in all primary colors!

Enjoy the pictures!!


just to show you a complete H to T look!

blazer- somewhere from malaysia, top - ginger, jeans - only, necklace - d.i.y, shoes - lokhandwala.
on my cheeks - mac's coppertone.
on my lips- maybellines pleasure me red (just dabbed a little over a lip balm)

my purple jelly shoes! (My sister's orange flats!)

I hope everyone's enjoying their weekend!
Ohhh and tweet me at - @gargi22_9

C'est fini