Rare Edtions Dresses | Sophias Style

Rare Editions Dresses
Rare Editions Dresses
I think we've just about reached the end of cold weather in Omaha.  We've had what feels like a final snowstorm over the past few days.  The temperatures are staying between 32 and 45 degrees during the day, and the most of the snow is melting as it hits the ground.  I. Am. So. Ready. For. Warm. Weather.  I honestly resented being forced to pull my winter clothes back out of the dark closet corners to which I'd prematurely banished them a couple weeks ago when it was 60 degrees outside.  But that's the thing about weather in Nebraska, it taunts you with sunshine and clear skies all spring long, but as soon as you start to trust it, BAM!  The next day you cheerily step outside in a light floral blouse, only to discover big, wet snowflakes falling like confetti all around you, and you have to run shivering and grumbling back inside to change. 

In spite of our lame weather, Sophias Style has been optimistically posting new spring dresses and outfits daily, and we're too excited about these Rare Editions infant dresses and Rare Editions toddler dresses to be discouraged by a bit of unseasonable precipitation!  Our customers need to be alerted to and cheered up by all the fun girls fashion we've got in store for them this spring!  If your little girl loves warm weather, you ought to find her the perfect Rare Editions dress from SophiasStyle.com today, so she can look forward to wearing it tomorrow. 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog. 

Girls Gymnastics Leotards

Gymnastics Leotards for Girls
Gymnastics Leotards for Girls
In the last two days, I've read two books by Nina Garcia, The Little Black Book of Style, and The One Hundred.  The Black Book was an enormous disappointment, it read like a mix of priv-lit and self help, minus any thought or effort.  However, what spirit she lacked while writing The Little Black Book, Garcia fully makes up for in The One Hundred.  It's essentially an enormous list of things she believes every stylish woman should own.  Some of the items are unrealistic for the vast majority of the population (at least, I don't have any friends that can afford to throw $4,000 into an accessory), but many of them are quite logical and I had several, "duh, why haven't I invested in that?" moments.  She also gives great advice about where to look and how to judge the quality of an item before you spend your cash.  Basically, it's a book to help you organize and prioritize your wardrobe and shopping list so you can finally say goodbye to mornings spent standing in front of your bursting-at-the-seams closet and inexplicably not being able to find anything to wear.  Highly recommended. 

Now, onto girls fashion!  Gymnastics is a great activity for little girls, they learn balance, poise, and gain self-confidence through performing in from of audiences.  It's also a great physical activity that she's sure to enjoy.  Luckily for you, Sophias Style carries a great selection of girls gymnastics leotards, and of course we've got them at the lowest prices and in tons of cute styles and colors.  The other fantastic thing about a girls gymnastics leotard from Sophias Style, is that we only carry designer brands that we know and trust, so you can rest assured that you'll receive quality products when you shop with us. 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog. 

Chloe Noel Skating Apparel | Sophias Style

Chloenoel Skating Apparel
Sophias Style is so excited because we're finally carrying Chloe Noel skating apparel, including Chloe Noel skate pants!

Do your kids like to ice skate?  Have you ever considered getting them into figure skating?  It's a great sport that teaches them grace and balance, while also giving them plenty of excercise.  Now that Sophias Style is carrying Chloe Noel spiral skating pants and other skating apparel at affordable prices, it's also a sport that won't break the bank. 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog. 

Toddler Easter Dresses at Sophias Style

Toddler Easter Dresses
Toddler Easter Dresses
Today is Wednesday, also known in my world as Day 3 of 13, because my boyfriend is in California training for his new job, and won't be back until the 26th (insert sigh and pathetic sad puppy face here).  I've been using this two week separation as an excuse to buy Wholefoods salads and sushi, and also to do some spring shopping.  In order to assuage my guilt for over spending, I've also started doing my spring cleaning.  And my taxes (procrastination station).  It's been a busy 3 days, by the end of next week everything in my world should be organized and cleaned out- especially my bank account.  Anyhow, I found the perfect spring and summer dress, it's white with light blue stripes, and it's gorgeous. 

Speaking of gorgeous dresses, I hope you haven't forgotten about getting Easter dresses for girls!  Easter is so late this year, so if you've been procrastinating on going shopping the way I've been procrastinating doing my taxes, you're in luck.  Sophias Style is actually still getting new styles of girls Easter dresses daily, so save yourself the trouble (and money) of going to a mall or department store, and instead just order her dress from home!  We carry all the department store brands you love, but at much more reasonable prices, so you can't lose.  The dress in the image is one of our toddler Easter dresses by Biscotti.  It's it precious?  What girl wouldn't look amazing in a dress that looks like rose petals and pink clouds?  We have lots more where that came from, so get to shopping! 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog

Find a Beautiful Ballet Tutu for Her | Sophias Style

Ballerina Tutus
Ballerina Tutus

For those of you who aren't fans of our Facebook page yet, now is definitely the time to stop by and Like us.  We have been doing weekly giveaways, and on Monday we'll be giving some lucky girl a new ballet tutu for free!  Our winners are always selected at random from everyone who likes our page, so you don't need to comment or anything else, simply click the like button and we'll message you if you're the winner! 

We've been getting more and more ballerina tutus in stock, because so many moms have said their daugters love them- one mom even said her dauther sleeps in her baby tu tu skirt!  Very cute.  We love getting this kind of feedback from our customers, it helps us decide what kinds of products we should carry.  So, never hesitate to tell us what you like and what you'd like to see more of.  Also, we love hearing from you! 

Have a great weekend!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog. 

Adorable Sweet Kids Dresses at Sophias Style

Sweet Kids Dresses
Sweet Kids Dresses

Sophias Style has been carrying Sweet Kids dresses and Sweet Kids boleros and other accessories for a while now, and this brand seriously never misses.  Everytime we get a new style of Sweet Kids flower girl dress, it's stunning and beautifully made.

I especially love the Sweet Kids girls dress in the photo to the left, because it's similar to a dress Sarah Jessica Parker wore, and that lady has fantastic style.  Also, the tiered layers remind me of flower petals, and it's a style that would look gorgeous on any girl at any age. 

Today is the first day of Lent!  That means spring is seriously on it's way, because Lent preceeds Easter and Easter is a holiday filled with Springtime things like bunnies and eggs and flowers.  Also my cat, Jude, was born around Easter last year, which means he's approximately one year old.  Jude is the first pet I've had on my own, and I've managed to keep him alive, healthy and happy for a full year.  Success! 

Does your family practice any sort of tradition for Lent?  Are you going to give anything up for Lent? 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog

Dresses for Girls | Sophias Style

Girls Dresses
Girls Dresses
For the past week and a half, I've been working two full time jobs.  I've been here at Sophias Style during the days, and covering for a friend at a locally owned coffee shop in the evenings and on weekends.  It has been utterly exhausing in the best possible way.  There's something very satisfying about the rhythm of a coffee shop and the way my legs are tired at the end of the day.  I forgot what it feels like to appreciate sitting down. 

While I won't be able to keep up this pace forever, I am savoring it while it lasts, and also loving the time spent people watching.  I spend all day thinking and writing about girls clothing, but I don't actually see many kids.  Yesterday, however, a guy came into the coffeeshop with his three kids.  He had two boys that looked about 10-12 years old, and a little girl who was probably 5 or 6.  She was ridiculously cute!  She had curly brown hair with blue eyes, and was wearing a sundress that was similar to the Rare Editions girls dress in the image, but in blue and white.  It's still chilly here, so she had on leggings, closed-toe pink shoes and a cardigan sweater.

 I have rediscovered my love for two things:  coffee and cute girls dresses.  I'm already thinking about all the baby girl dresses and little girl dresses I want to buy for my future neice when she comes along, so baristas can gush about how cute she looks when I take her into coffee shops. 

If you're lucky enough to already have a goddaughter, granddaughter or neice in your life, don't miss out on any opportunities to spoil her!  Sophias Style has dresses for girls at affordable prices, so you can go overboard shopping for her anytime you want. 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog. 

Little Girls Clothing | Sophias Style

Little Girls Clothing
Little Girls Clothing
Things I used to despise, but now love:

When rompers first started showing up on runways, I was not excited.  I thought Marc Jacobs had gone mad (well, madder).  When they started showing up in stores, I was flabbergasted.  However, after about a month of seeing them styled and sported by every fashion blogger under the sun, I changed my mind and bought one.  Now I love them. 

Strangely enough, rompers are one of the few clothing items that seems to have started out in the little girls clothing world and worked their way up to women's fashion.  They're so childlike, and yet they can be so charming on older girls and women as well.  Plus, they're comfortable, and so much fun to style.  All you need is a cute pair of platforms, some great sunglasses and/or a silk scarf.  For the romper featured to the right (which is actually came from Sophias Style's cute baby girls clothes, so sadly us ladies can't get them in our sizes), I would also add a red patent waist belt.  Perfect for summer. 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Girls Easter Dresses | Sophias Style

Girls Easter Dresses
Easter Dresses for Girls
 With Easter just a few short weeks (well, seven short weeks anyway) away, it's really time to start looking for toddler Easter dresses and girls Easter dresses.  Also, it's fun to shop, so why wait any longer? 

The dress featured to the left is one of my favorites, I love the sheer fabric at the neck and shoulders, and that particular shade of aqua blue is one of my favorite colors.  How pretty would that look on a little girl with white maryjanes and a blue easter basket? 

We have tons of other great styles of Easter dresses for girls at Sophias Style, so stop by and check them out!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.