Trick-or-treat Safely This Halloween |

Each day this week brings us closer and closer to the fun and festivities of Halloween. We’re all busy putting the finishing touches on Halloween costumes and making sure the candy bucket is stocked full for all those adorable trick-or-treaters. It’s great to be prepared for all the fun parts of the holiday, but we should also be prepared to make this Halloween fun and safe.

Of course there are those basic Halloween safety tips we always hear, such as:

• Don’t let children trick-or-treat alone. They should always be accompanied by a responsible adult.

• Don’t accept candy or food that is unwrapped.

• Wear reflectors or light clothing that will stand out in the dark. This is a good idea even in the daylight.

• Use the sidewalk, not the street, when trick-or-treating.

It’s always good to be reminded of safety tips we’ve heard before, but we at found some good Halloween safety tips that don’t immediately come to mind. Here are some other things to think about:

• If your child is going to wear a mask as part of his or her costume, make sure the eye openings are large. Obscured vision can be very dangerous. Consider doing without the mask altogether. You can still achieve a spooky look with make-up or face paint.

 • Think of the trick-or-treaters visiting your house too. Make sure your porch or walkway is free of garden hoses, flower pots or other things someone could trip on. While you’re at it, make sure porch lights have working bulbs. If not, get replacements in time for trick-or-treaters.

• Serve a healthy and tasty meal for your kids before they trick-or-treat. Try something festive like these pumpkin shaped sandwiches. This way they will be less likely to gorge on too many sweets and get a tummy ache later on. Remind them that the candy will still be there tomorrow – they don’t need to eat it all at once!

• Don’t forget about your pets on Halloween! They might get scared with so many trick-or-treaters coming and going. They could escape through the open door or worse yet, bite or scratch a child. It’s best to keep them in a separate room for the night. Check on them every once in awhile to make sure they are O.K.

 All of us at hope you all have a safe and FUN Halloween!

 What are your plans for Halloween this year? Share with us!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Tips and guides provided by:

We Had A Spook-tacular Time At The Omaha Zoo

So all of us at are still recovering from the great time we had at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo Spooktacular trick-or-treat event on Sunday. We couldn’t have asked for a better day – we even had a little sunshine!

There were about 11,000 people in attendance and man were all those kids in costumes super cute! Some of our favorites were a robot with real light up features, a group of triplets all dressed alike as Shrek and two families that dressed as the superhero clan The Incredibles. Here are some photos from the event  

I wish you all could have made it out to see us. We had our girls clothing on display and our sister company handed out delicious baked goods to the guests. I think we’ll definitely partner with the zoo again next year! Hope you can make it then!

What Halloween activities are going on in your town this week?

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Warm Pajamas For Chilly Weather

It seems like we skipped Fall and went right into Winter this season. I’ve already got an extra blanket on my bed to help combat those chilly nights and I can’t believe it’s almost November already! I can’t complain too much though – chilly fall mornings means my husband makes his famous pumpkin pancakes with sausage for breakfast. It’s a great family tradition of ours that really warms my heart and my tummy!

My daughters love waking up to warm breakfast and a hug from Dad too. I love seeing them stumble down the steps with sleepy eyes and snuggly pajamas on! At we’ve got a great selection of girls robes and girls pajamas that are great for breakfast in bed, lounging while watching cartoons or reading bedtime stories together.

Don’t forget our Christmas pajamas for opening presents on Christmas morning. That’ll be the biggest breakfast feast of the year for my family!

What is your favorite breakfast? Sound off!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Time Management Tip for Moms | Delegate Your To Do List

Yes, this is a children's clothing fashion blog, but my guess is that most people reading this are Moms. As a stay at home mom of 2, a wife, a runner, and a business owner (of Sophias Style Children's Clothing Boutique), I have to manage my time in order to get everything done in a very short 24 hour period (and I often struggle with this). However, I have come up with a few strategies for time management, perfect for all you busy, busy moms.

Delegate. And let me add, delegate the things you HATE to do (laundry, for me). Who do you delegate laundry to? Well, I found a great answer: the babysitter. Seriously. My husband and I have a babysitter once a week for a much needed 'date night.' The sitter puts them to bed by 8, and we don't get home until 10. That leaves 2 whole hours for a 'Sitter To Do' list (rather than the male dreaded 'Honey To Do' list), which includes a laundry list (ha!) of some of those 'To Do's' I just can't get to. Here are some great To Do ideas for your sitter:
  • Fold and put away laundry
  • Run dishwasher, and empty
  • Sweep and 'pick up' kitchen
  • Wrap presents
Now, there is one caveat I need to warn you about if you choose to delegate some of your Mom responsibilities...But I don't have time for that right now. You will have to wait for my next post!

Do you let your sitter help around the house? Do you pay extra for this? What are some of the things they help you with? Please share your tips and ideas!

This blog was originally posted on Trendy Girls Fasion Blog.


Creative Gift Giving |

Gift giving is good for the soul. I love seeing a person’s eyes light up and their mouth break into a smile when they open a gift that I put a lot of thought and care into giving them. There is truly something magical and heartwarming about that feeling.

Although the end result is great, sometimes it can be a long and frustrating process finding that unique and meaningful (but still affordable) gift. Nowadays little girls can be especially hard to shop for. Children today have so many toys and gadgets that they all seem to run together and many of them never even get used. My advice on gift ideas for girls is to keep it simple! These days simplicity can be a novel concept – we are so used to our complicated, busy lives and little girls are no different!

Instead of another new gizmo that is just like everything else she already has, consider a gift that is useful and beautiful, like this polka-dot piggy bank from It’s a great decoration for her room and you can help her learn the value and importance of saving.

Books also make great gifts for little girls (or boys!) These personalized musical books from have a place to insert a picture of the child and it plays music while you read. She’ll never have another book like it! Sharing a story together will create more memories than any cell phone or video game ever could.

Who is hardest to shop for on your list? Share your thoughts!

This blog was first posted on Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Meet Sophias Style At the Zoo!

If you are in the Omaha, Nebraska area on October 25th stop by the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo and meet Sophias Style! We are proud to be partnering with the Henry Doorly Zoo for their Spooktacular 2009 trick-or-treating event.

The event runs from 10am-3pm and children and their families are invited to trick-or-treat through the zoo to different sponsored booths. Don’t forget to check out ours! We’ll have popcorn, cookies and candy. Guests will also get the chance to win a $50 gift card to or our sister company,

If you need a costume for the event or for your own trick-or-treating on Halloween night, check out our selection of kids Halloween costumes that are sure to score the most candy! We can’t wait to see you at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo on October 25th!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Unique Gifts For Baby |

So here’s the latest news from my friend in Houston, TX who’s having a baby girl this spring. This week she’s begun decorating the nursery. Now, my friend is an art teacher so she is always coming up with creative and artistic ideas that put amateur crafters like me to shame. The baby’s new room is no exception. I’m not sure where she got the idea, but my friend has decided to decorate the walls of her nursery with the baby’s footprints.

She painted the walls a neutral beige color and a few weeks after the baby arrives she’ll stamp the walls with tiny brown, green and blue feet. I have to admit, it’s a pretty cool idea. It will add a cool personal touch to the room and no other baby will have a nursery exactly like hers! I’m excited to see the finished product.

No matter how she decorates the nursery, she’ll still need newborn baby girl clothes to fill the closet! Luckily I’ve got that part of the deal covered. Since I work for I am up-to-date with all the cutest and most affordable newborn clothing for girls. I can’t wait to shop for the new baby!

What do you think of the footprint idea? Would you do it in your nursery?


This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.


Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Lindsey and am another proud employee of and contributor to the Trendy Girls Fashion Blog. I'm a recent college graduate and this is my first real full-time job. I'm so lucky it's with a company as great as Sophias Style!

I like to write and craft, so being a contributor to our blog is the perfect gig for me. I am also gearing up for my wedding in April, so I'm having fun writing about flower girl dresses and all other kinds of wedding stuff. I hope some of my tips have been interesting and helpful to you!

Let me know what else you'd like to hear about on our blog - I'm always looking for new inspiration!


This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.  

Zoo Spooktacular | Visit Booth for Prizes, Cookies, Popcorn and More

I am looking forward to the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo Spectacular on October 25th! Children's Clothing Boutique and our sister company, are teaming up for a sweet booth, overflowing with prizes, treats (for tricks), gourmet cookies, and freshly popped popcorn (delicious treats for the kids AND the parents).

This is a great event for families. My daughters, husband and I went last year, and we have an amazing time! Not only did the kids get to trick-or-treat in a safe environment, but we all were able to enjoy the amazing animals at one of the country's best zoos.

Use your zoo pass or pay general admission for this fun filled day at the zoo. Stop by and say hello, enjoy our sweet gourmet gifts, and enter to win great prizes.


This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog

Stay Healthy - Swine Flu

In a previous blog about hand washing I mentioned that frequent and proper handwashing is one way to stop the spread of swine flu (H1N1 virus). Good hand washing technique is especially important for children and young adults who may be a higher risk of contracting the disease and developing complications from the virus. The article, Why Do I Need to Wash My Hands? from is worth reading again. In another article for kids, Swine Flu, authors advise children to avoid touching their eyes and mouth, sharing cups and utensils and to say away from people who are sick. also stresses the importance of hand wahsng after eating or touching food, after using the bathroom, after blowing your nose, after playing outside and before and after visiting a sick friend or relative. There's no guarantee, of course, that your little girl won't contract the flue, but these tips and good hand washing can help keep her hearlthy - and keep her in school in her school wardrobe.

~ Sophias Grandma


Welcome to our Trendy Girls Fashion Blog, a blog about children's clothing and baby clothes for girls (and boys!)! I am the CEO of children's clothing boutique. As a stay at home mom of 2 little girls,  wife, CEO, blogger and runner, I am pretty busy. But I LOVE all of my jobs!

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful team at! I truly believe that success and happiness is achieved when you surround yourself with good people. Our success as a small business is directly related to our amazing employees, you (our fabulous customers) and all the children out there who love to wear Sophias Style clothing.

Thank you for reading our children's clothing fashion blog! Be sure to also check out my mom blog: Belinda North.

Read all posts by Belinda

Celebrating A New Baby

I’m quickly learning what it feels like to grow up – seems new and exciting changes are happening every day. In the past year many friends have gotten married, bought their first homes or moved away. Last week another of my old college friends hit a big milestone – she and her husband are expecting a baby girl this spring! You really know you’re growing up when friends start having babies.

My friend is one of the most caring and supportive people you will ever meet. She constantly puts others first and is always making others smile – she certainly made college an enjoyable experience for me! She’s truly a selfless person, and no one deserves to be blessed with a beautiful baby more than her.

She and her husband are school teachers in Houston, so I don’t get to see them very often – usually just major holidays. I’m disappointed that I probably won’t get to be there for the birth of their baby. Still, I’ve got the perfect gift idea for the new baby – a beautiful christening gown from I think she’ll be thrilled to have such a beautiful garment for such an important event in the baby’s life. I plan on sending the baptism dress to her as a Christmas gift.

I’d gladly spend a lot of money on a christening dress for my friend’s baby – she totally deserves it. The great thing about is that I don’t have to spend a ton. I can purchase an absolutely gorgeous, high quality baptism gown at a discount price. I think the dress I picked out for the new baby will make my friend cry – that’s when you know it’s the perfect gift!

What life event made you realize you were officially “grown up?” Share your thoughts with us!

~ Lindsey

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Be-witching Halloween Treats |

I don’t know about you, but when a holiday or special occasion hits, I get caught up in it very easily. Halloween is of course no exception. The excitement and spirit of Halloween are so much fun, so why wait for Halloween night to celebrate the occasion? Throughout this whole month I’ve been infusing bits of Halloween cheer into my life.

I’ve already started decorating the yard with ghoulish (but cheerful) decorations and I’ve been researching Halloween crafts to make throughout the season. I came across these adorable witch hat cookies in a children’s magazine. I almost can’t believe how easy they are to make – it’s the perfect activity for kids!

For this project you will need:
• Chocolate cookies (homemade or store bought)
• Hershey’s Kisses
• Orange frosting (or any color you like)

Simply take your favorite chocolate cookies and place an unwrapped Hershey’s Kiss on top. Hold the kiss in place with a dab of frosting. You can decorate the “brim” of the hat with more swirls or lines of frosting. Voila – you’re done! You can use different colors of frosting and different sizes of cookies to make your own design unique. It’s all up to you! These are perfect for a classroom party at school or just a festive Halloween treat to keep around the house.

I plan to make these cookies with my daughter this weekend. I got her some great Halloween clothes from to wear to school and just whenever she’s in the Halloween mood (which is often)! She can wear this Halloween outfit while we bake and decorate. I can just imagine all the cute photos I’ll get of her making witch hats!

Let us know how your witch hat cookies turn out!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Sophias Style Can Make You a Winner!

Here’s a deal you absolutely can’t pass up – post a photo in our Facebook album of your little one wearing Sophias Style clothing and you could be a winner! We’ll award four lucky contestants with a $50 gift card to every month. This month’s contest starts Saturday, October 3 and all photos must be posted in our October Photo Contest Album by 5pm on Saturday, October 31.

We’ll announce our four winners on Tuesday, November 3.

Now is your chance to share your adorable photos with the Sophias Style Facebook community. Show us your Sophias Style today!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Let’s Hear It For The Boy!

So this may be the Trendy Girls Fashion Blog, but that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about the boys! The holidays are fast approaching and we all know that the handsome little fellows in our lives need to look good too.

Luckily has got him covered (literally!) Last week we received a shipment of adorable boys suits that are perfect for all those upcoming holiday formal occasions. Our boys Christmas suits are available in a variety of sizes and festive colors including silver, gold and my personal favorite, this red plaid number!

We also carry this great pair of boys dress shoes that I promise you look great with each and every boys suit. Whether you need boys attire or girls Christmas dresses this season, boutique is your one-stop shop. You’ll save money and find great looks for every child in your family – all from the comfort of your own home!

How do you officially kick off the holiday season? Share with us!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.