When two off-colors meet.

Hey hey!
Day 6! And the weekend is finally here! 

So today I had been to another blogger's event for the HP Connected Music hosted by our fav Indiblogger at Otto Infinito (Loved the food in this Mediterranean Restaurant)

So the HP Connected Music is basically the world's music collection where you can listen to any genre of music (Including the latest US singles)  using your HP product with Windows 8 operating system without even going the 'pirate' route! Sounds cool? Just go through the website to know more!

Now for my outfit!
I love, noooo, loooovvveeee Maxi Skirts, if the world is ending and I had to pick five things from my entire wardrobe (Yes, there would be a strong steel ship, which will protect me, ) one of them would definitely be a maxi skirt. {Things I have to do, to show you guys my love for Maxi Skirts}

Another reason why I love this specific skirt, is cause many people are in the opinion that Black+Brown are a no-no. I don't understand, HOW/WHY? 
The minute I laid my eyes on this pastel brown piece I wanted it to be paired with my studded top!

Enjoy the pictures :)

 skirt - thrifted, top - globus, shoes - zara, belt - forever new .

C'est fini,

Btw, tomorrow is my last day of the challenge! (Blog everyday challenge)
I think I can totally manage doing this every month, what say guys???

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