To Dear, World!
                          It must be a really motivating day. I plugged all my energy to settle debts with the draft section of BLOGGER. 
I have been making so many DIY's, OOTD/MOTD and so many other general news & today finally I am posting a DIY project!
Since Fall 2011, the Collar trend has been all over the place, not that I ain't liking it. I have already done a blogpost on this post here.
This is such an easy DIY, so simple, takes probably less than 15 mins and pops you different from the crowd.

DIY PROJECT :- Sequined Collar Shirt.
Things you need :- A shirt, Fabric Glue, Sequin Lace {Colour of your choice} and scissors.

Lets Begin.
Step 1 - Buy 4 meters of sequin lace. In India, you will find this easily from a saree's border shop. You also need  to buy a good fabric glue if you don't have one.
Step 2 - Take out your most boring shirt with a collar and start working with it.
              Cut strips of the sequin lace in accordance with the length of your collar.
NOTE - place your collar flat without any wrinkles.You can also work with the height of the collar.  I did both of them.
Step 3 - Glue the strips to your collar and viola you are Done!

Notice how I messed up with the direction?


  • Understand your Sequin lace, is it stitched? is it glued to a ribbon?
  • If it is a stitched sequined lace then glue all strips ONLY in ONE DIRECTION of the thread.{second picture}
  • Wait for atleast 2 hours for the glue to dry and 5 hours to wear it.
  • Handwash is preferable and I have tried it doesn't harm your collar. NO MACHINE WASH.
  • You may notice that your collar is stiff and not easy to work with. Try it the second time and you won't notice a thing.

 So that was it, Not only its easy but also very cheap! I already had the glue but I think the total cost including glue would be somehwhere near Rs.100/- or $5.

Send me pictures on my FB page, comment section below or email ID if you tried it or already had some Diy on this. Would be glad to see them.
I hope you guys enjoyed!

C'est fini