Le Chat et moi!

Hello Dolls!
Last week  I had a horrifying weekend's eve. Let me narrate the story to you :-

Friday, 10:30pm
*door bell rings*
I went to receive the person, which I knew, would be my sister!
But this time it was her and a friend, (lets say Mr.A!) with A carrying a huge basket.
I took no time in guessing what was inside it. It was his CAT! his freaking CAT!!!
 (Thoughts started munching my head, was it here to stay? if yes, who would look after it? was it here to show me? was my sister out of her mind? )  
*A voice whisked*Bye gargi, bye aunty! (It was Mr.A)
*Bang* with door closed, I felt exasperated..
20minutes later ....... the Cat was out of the house!

I personally hate Cats, Dogs, Butterflies..... basically all animals! So when I found out that it was going to live four days with me, I panicked, and made my sister travel and give it back to him!!! *Sighs* Story Complete!

Moving on, today we are going to do Leopard Printed Nail Art inspired by my new Dorothy Perkins's Leopard Printed flats !!

Lets get started!

  • Nude, Black, Brown/Pink nail paint and a top coat.
  • A toothpick 
  • Old eye liner brush

Step 1 :- Paint your nails with the NUDE color, this is your BASE COAT!
Step 2 :- Using a toothpick, start making  small dots with brown or pink nail paint, varying with the size.
Step 3 :- Your old eye liner brush acts as a brush! use it to create boundaries for the small dots!
Step 4 :- Apply a top coat. And voila you are done!
I hope you enjoyed!!!

Attempt made to showcase my Nail Art! *FAILED*

What I am wearing ? A t-shirt with a really quirky design gifted me by Z!, Jeans - Lee, shoes - dorothy perkins.

C'est fini!