Can you see what I can see??????

Hello guys...... kisses to all my readers for taking your precious time and reading my blog.
I love you all!!!

So today we are experimenting with a new makeup technique which is seen on so many celebs like Kim Kadarshian, Rihanna, Lady Gaga etc.... I particularly like Kim Kadarshians make-up, she is so tamed and subtle and glamorous with it. Do we think alike here?????? post a comment below and tell me.

this picture reminds me of Jenifer lopez's cheek bones.

wot would i do without   ???? Guys the color is really blended well, its jus because of the stupid flash.....colors really dark!!

can u see the dark mauve color in the corners and almost sheer crease??????? :-

So  this eye make up technique is called the 'INVERTED CREASE' . it is basically the opposite of how you normally put eye shadow, instead of blending the shadow on the ends and up in the crease, we do it right under the beginning of your brows!!!! chic????

I kinda did a smoky version using mauve and olive green , but you can use any colors present in this whole wide planet!! and a hint of mascara only on the extreme corners of my eyelash!
for the rest of my make-up
blush - MAC's Coppertone used as a CONTOUR and oriental princess's - mandarin mantra as a BLUSH
highlight-covergirls's highlighter
lipstick - chambor's M115
lipgloss - chambor's GG 18

wwaaaaiiitttt fav part, i did a cute messy side bun {my new love}with a braid on the other side. unfortunately my camera couldnt pick it!!!!

C'est fini!