Easter Dresses for Baby Girls

Girls Easter Dresses
Girls Easter Dresses
This week the weather has been so incredibly beautiful, I have the worst case of spring fever.  All I want to do is run around in shorts, light sweaters, flowy skirts, and day heels.  Temperatures have been in the 50's for days now, and I cannot express in words the difference it has made in my mood and the moods of everyone around me. 

Anyone who lives in the midwest can tell you, you don't truly appreciate warm weather until you've dealt with our winters.  Midwesters know how to treasure a nice day.  On Sunday, my boyfriend and I went to get brunch at a cafe that is normally pretty slow, and it was completely packed with the happiest crowd I've seen in months. 

Aside from gorgeous weather and an altogether happier population, spring brings one of the most cheerful holidays: Easter!  We've been getting new girls Easter dresses in daily, so many that we can hardly keep up, which is why I seriously recommend checking them out.  I especially love our Easter dresses for baby girls, they're so precious and tiny!  I can't wait for my brother and his fiancee to have a little girl, then I'll get to pick out the perfect toddler Easter dress in a few years!

What does your family do to celebrate Easter?  Mine always went to church and then to an Easter egg hunt.  Do you hide eggs for your kids at home, or do they go to a big hunt with lots of other kids? 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.